happy and smiling before the rock climb!!!.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
something tells me I am falling way behind on my blog considering the last one was JUNE 3RD!!! yikes!...that is my crazy life!...I can't even remember all the things that have happened in the past weeks!
first of all, I have to say that this past weekend was so fun! Christian and I took a train ride up to the Schneeburg (the snow mountain) in Austria! It was so beautiful! We had no idea how much hiking and rock climbing was involved though! I thought I would die half way up the mountain!...but I kept pushing myself because once you go so far, you have to finish to the end! Its a good lesson in life too!...so many times I want to give up!...and lately there have been a lot of "mountains" to go over!...but when you reach the top, What a view!...I mean u feel like you accomplished so much!...you look back at all the rocks and ridges and dangerous spots that you went through, and you forget about it because the reward at the top is so beyond your expectation!...I felt on top of the world! I mean we saw and felt SNOW in summer time!???!!!! We had a snowball fight in summer! Is that crazy or what? I will post some pictures of the long hike, but well worth it!...i think though even in the pictures it doesnt look as high as it was when you were really climbing it!...the pictures are above!!!
This is so random but I HATE FLIES! they are the dirtiest bug alive! I mean they crawl on everything and then they crawl on you and they are so hard to kill!...it started at 5am this morning when I felt a little tickle on my arm that woke me up!...then I heard the buzzz...I said to myself NO WAY! HOW DID A FLY WAKE ME UP???...it woke up christian too...then it wouldnt leave me alone! I was mad! It was so early in the morning, and lovely europe with no air conditioning i was so freaking HOT and so I had to sleep with a blanket over my body so the fly would leave me alone!...then the lovely alarm went off at 6:15am!...now I am home from work and that stupid fly still hasnt figured out the way out the window! grrr!!!
This week we are making overnight campouts with each grade in the backyard of our school! Last night was the 1st graders and they were so cute! I saw them this morning when I was coming into school! They were in their pajamas, brushing their teeth and eating breakfast. the yard was full of tents and you could see the burnt coal from the campfire. When I think about it, I realize what a special school I work at! Such a fun idea...cook sausages, eat marshmallows, sing songs, just like the good ol american campouts...my boss loves our american ideas so she uses them all!...in the last two and a half weeks we have so many events planned too. My class is having a pool party at one of my students houses during the day...hmm sounds good to me!...I mean would that ever happen in the U.S.??? no! The whole school goes to an end of the year party at another house including the teachers, picnics, and also a field trip outside of Vienna! That is my life right now......when the talent show is over, I will be even more happier and relaxed! ok enough about school...
Our church is doing a great series this month about Marriage! Yahoo! Perfect topic!...the pastor is so great because he addresses his messages not just to couples, but to singles too...and in my cell group too we are talking about marriage and relationships. Its been really great! Every week we have a guest lady speaker come from the church to talk to us...
ok this is way too long...........
I'm looking forward to school ending, our new apartment and to go to the beach in Tunesia, Africa in July!!!....
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