Me and Shereen in the Rose garten in Vienna! We had a blast! Thank you Shereen for visiting me!!!...great times together!!!...didn't get much sleep and my legs feel like I ran a marathon...dead tired, but it was a great time!...I started school yesterday...it went well-I get less nervous each year!...I think I was too tired this year to be nervous...today I went early early to take Shereen to the train station on my way to work!...we hauled these heavy bags up and down trams, subways and streets as people probably laughed at us!...off she went to Innsbruck for a day and then to go to the states!!!....Oh Innsbruck-what a cute little city! But I think what makes that city more special than ever is the fact that I ran into Adam and Kelley on their honeymoon at the same time I was visiting there!...we didnt plan that at all!...I will never forget that!
I am ready to relax, watch movies and rest my legs the next days!!! no more sight seeing for a little while!
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