Sunday, September 23, 2007

a concert for the nations:)

Wow what a concert...I just have to write about how amazing it was...the music was beautiful, the worship was so touching...Brooke Fraser has an amazing voice!...and it was so wonderful to stand in an outdoor theatre crowded and gathered together with people all over Europe and other nations too!...that was the most amazing feeling I have ever had...Christian concerts in America are great but most of the people are American or live there. This concert-people drove and flew from all parts of Europe for!...I mean everywhere I looked I heard a different language. It was funny to hear them try to sing the English...but you know it didnt matter-because whether the people who could speak the words or not-they were worshipping God!...they came from brazil, czech republic, Finland, Serbia, Hungary, Austria:), Germany, Croatia, Slovakia...and so many other nations! wow! gave me such hope that maybe Europe isn't the "darkest continent of the world" anymore...and I could see that there are people in so many european nations that do believe in God!

We had some time to walk around Budapest and it was great to spend time with some great friends from church!...the concert was in a huge city park in Budapest but you could hear the music from far away-so it was awesome to know that other people could hear the music who were just passing by!

we got back at 3am so I am dead tired!..........

1 comment:

Charissa said...

Wow that is so awesome, I am so glad you had a good time, that must've been so neat to be worshipping around so many people from different places : )