Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Auschwitz, Poland-concentration camp visit

We had a fabulous time in Poland-riding the train again was fun since that is where we met eachother...but no doubt our train adventures have not ended yet! We always have something go crazy!...our train was leaving at 7:10am monday morning...we got a super cheap price too for taking a train that early......well we were out late the night before-and the next morning I woke up at 7:37...i guess i turned off my alarm in my sleep! we freaked out because the next train wasnt going until the evening and its a sleepover train which is expensive! we started blaming eachother whose fault it was and blahblahblah-then we just looked at eachother and started laughing hysterically..............christian ran to the train station from our hotel and found out about the next train, while i was in the room packing up our things and praying for God to help us!...I was off work the next day, but Christian had to go to work and we were 8 hours away from Vienna! finally he comes back and says that the next train is at 11:45 but that is the last one during the day and we have to pay for another ticket.......well it was our own fault, so we just paid for new tickets and off we went back to Vienna......we had to transfer one time in another city-and didnt see the time for the train goign to Vienna so once again we freaked turns out the train was delayed...but atleast it came...and we got home finally......

so we enjoyed traveling around the city, enjoying cheap drinks and food (about half price of Vienna!!!) and seeing the culture. We took the public mini bus to Auschwitz which the ride itself was crazy enough! we were packed in so tight that people were practically sitting on top of me!...hmm kind of like south america I guess...the concentration camp was unbelievable...everything was still there in its original was such an eary feeling...the weather was also so dark and chilly and it made the place look even more gruesome. But it was so interesting and I have always wanted to see it for myself.

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