Sunday, May 6, 2007

Super weekend:)

So we were supposed to get this awful rainy weather from Italy this weekend...and it was supposed to rain nonstop all weekend long!...well God was good to us and gave us 4 hours of sunshine yesterday!...yesterday in the city was the STADTFEST (city fest), there was live concerts and music all over the city. Well we met up with Christian's parents in the city by accident! and then we met up with some friends...we were walking to a concert and while the band was setting up, the dj on the street was playing music and people started to dance. Next thing we know it-there is a HUGE street disco in the middle of Vienna! So we joined in and Christians mom took pictures! People made a big circle and were watching everyone in the middle dance! So fun!

Then this morning, Christian and I had to go to a 1st communion in a catholic church! (the pictures above are from the communion) 5 of my kids from my 2nd grade class were celebrating their 1st communion and they invited me to come. I couldn't pass up the invitation since they begged me! Okay so I haven't been to a catholic church since I was 12 years old! I have to say it wasn't as bad as I expected! The music was modern and they even played the intstrumental version of "This is the air that I breathe"...unbelievable! The kids were so cute and all the parents and kids got to meet Christian. It's so different seeing them outside of school. One of the parents invited us to their house for a party. I mean that would never happen in America right? haha! we went! It was so fun!

1 comment:

kimberly said...

looks like fun!! :D