Sunday, July 8, 2007

I'm going to be an Aunt!!!

My brother just called me and told me that they are GOING TO HAVE A BABBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I'm going to be "Tante Lisa!"...its about time!...they got married 7 years ago, but I think thats enough time to enjoy eachother and live life!...the baby will be due in March! so its just the beginning, but I am so happy for them!!! the rest of the McDermott kids will be in line...who will be next?...he said we have to go in wedding order...I was the 2nd to get married so I guess the pressure is on us now!


kimberly said...

congratulations! that's so exciting!! :D

Laura said...

Hey Lisa, it was so good to hear from you! I'm so glad your doing well in Austria. And congrats on being an Aunt...It's the best ;)

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Aunt is up there with being a Grandma.... all the fun without the responsibility. :D