Sunday, July 8, 2007

wedding party:)

The craziest wedding day of the year 07.07.07...its funny how it was all over the news and all I heard yesterday was wedding parades!!!...yes its a cool date and funny numbers...but do people really believe it will bring them so much luck??? Its funny to think about...they can do whatever they want for good luck, but if they don't have God-its all meaningless!

anyway, my friend who teaches 1st grade at my school got married too yesterday to her austrian boyfriend:) She is cuban/american and he is those are two funny cultures to put together!...its interesting to see the differences between austrian and american the ceremony-some of the kids from school came to! My friend mimi and I had to be the childrens choir directors!...haha...and they sang a song that we learned at was very cute!...but I will tell you that one day was enough again with them!...I am glad to be on summer vacation!...then we honked our horns in a parade of cars leading to the reception! funfunfun! the reception had a live cuban band! they were great and we had fun dancing!...good food...and the best part is that Austrian receptions end when the people leave!...The traditions here are to play games with the bride and groom...ones that embarrass them and give them hard work to do for eachother...quite funny!...well good thing we were staying in the hotel above the reception because we would have had to drive all the way back to Vienna at 3am!...I mean I just couldnt believe what time it was!...3am! Places are still open till 3am in the country side???...its all those cubans fault!...anyways it made me think of our own wedding how the rental places have a time you have to leave by which is really sad...just like when you reserve a table for dinner in the states, they kick u out as soon as you are finished eating. here you can stay at your table as long as you want-until u ask to pay! different worlds...the best would be to take the best things about each culture and put them together!

anyway, this morning we woke up and met with our other friends who also stayed overnight and we had a nice breakfast on the felt like a vacation!...and it was nice to sleep on a real bed not surrounded by boxes!...our apartment is a mess with moving...

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