Thursday, July 12, 2007

off to Tunesia...

so we are finally off for our long awaited vacation to TUNESIA...any hotel room and any bed sounds luxurious at this point considering we have no bed and no sofa and we sleep on the floor on about 10 layers of blankets (which by the way still feels like u r sleeping on a hard wood floor)...and we are surrounded by boxes, boxes and more boxes!...we have no dishes, the cupboards are all empty..........everything is packed!!!...when we get back from Tunesia next week on Friday in the middle of the night...we pretty much won't sleep and we move in all day on Saturday!!!....everything in our new apartment will be getting the finishing touches while we are away...thats how european apartments work-we get the keys but NOTHING is in the apartment! it takes week for everything to be installed...but thankfully we have a fabulous friend who does this as his job and he has the keys to our appt and is making everything for us....

time to go finish packing for our trip...we have been driving everywhere today, unloading boxes and a million things...I feel almost as tired as I did from wedding this trip is desperately needed!!!...I can already hear the beach calling my name!!! Tunesia here we commmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I don't think I will be online until maybe I am in the states...I will be in MD from July 24th-August 12th......I hope to see many of you!!!


Unknown said...

Where in Tunisia? That sounds awesome!!
Can't wait to see some pictures.

Christi said...

You're coming home?!?!? Exciting! If you have time to give mama bear a hug, let me know! hehehee ;)

Christi said...

PS - have FUN on your vacation, sounds like you definitely need and deserve one!

Hannah said...

Sounds like your having a busy summer! I will be in MD Aug 10-13 so maybe we can get together! Email me!