Wednesday, August 1, 2007

good news and bad news...

Wow its been a really long time!
I have good news and bad news.....the good news-We had a WONDERFUL vacation in Tunesia...I will have to post many pictures of that another time...we stayed in a resort-but we took many excursions to the cities around and we climbed sand dunes, went on a jeep ride through the Sahara and even went on a camel ride in the Sahara Desert! was definitely exotic....and some parts were definitely 3rd world and reminded me of Peru a little bit...but we always felt safe...

the bad news-well after we got back from our vacation, we received bad news that Christians dad was in the hospital and not doing well...(I never posted this but he has been fighting Lung Cancer since March 2006)...well we went straight from the airport with his mom to the hospital...crazy considering it was already night time!...the next day we were moving out of our apartment at 8am!...we didnt sleep much considering I was still packing boxes......well we got through the moving day with help of a lot of friends and everything was in our new apartment but a disaster everywhere!...we had lunch all together-went swimming in our pool and then christian got a phone call that his dad died. Talk about shock or what...we were planning on visiting him later in the hospital, but it was too late. The night before was the last time we would ever see him again. He had received so much medicine and chemo and everything that it made his heart weaker-so his dad had a heart attack and died. It was supposed to be the happiest day for us to have a nice new apartment-and instead it was a day of I am home now with my family-but its not easy knowing that I am not able to be there for my husband while he is going through this. He is very close with his mom though and so I know they need this time together alone even without me there. Just pray for them as I know his mother does not know the Lord and so I am not sure how she is dealing with this. Everything always comes at bittersweet times for me it seems.

well on that note...its hard to talk about anything happy anymore in this post after sharing that news...
I am home though and would love to see some of you...the time is flying by as usual...


kimberly said...

lisa, i'm so sorry to hear this news! i will be praying for you and christian's family.

Hannah said...

I'm sorry for your(Christian & you)loss. I will be praying for your family. Maybe we can catch up, I will be in MD next weekend so you can email me if you happen to be free.

Mrs. Ellis said...

Lisa: I will be praying for Christian and his family.We are having a baby shower at my house on Saturday for Hannah at 3pm( we live in Olney ) if there is any chance you could come, we would love it!!!!Charissa could meet you (she is leaving for Hungary on Aug.26) and plans to contact you when she is there. Love and prayers, Mrs. Ellis

Mrs. Ellis said...

Oh by the way, it is Sat. August 11th, and it is not a surprise. Hannah and Enoch are coming up on August 10th ( their 5th anniverary)

Laura said...

Hey Lisa we will def. be praying for you guys as well. I know my mom already said this, but we would love for you to come to Hannah's shower. I actually tried to email you a week ago but I think I may have had the wrong email address. If you'd like to come email me at

Laura said...

No worries about not being able to come Lisa ;) I totally understand! When do you leave to go home?

Christi said...

hey lisa - i am so sorry to hear about christian's dad. i will keep you all and his family in my prayers. love, christi