Wednesday, April 25, 2007

new apartment

I cannot wait to move into our new apartment in July! We snuck in the building that is still a "construction site" on Sunday and we peeked around!...Well they left the doors open so how could we resist!!! so great! We hope to meet many young couples, relax by the swimming pool and terrace on the roof and in the sauna. It feels more like a hotel! I cant wait to get out of this apartment building that is old, falling apart and with the grumpiest neighbors! Half of the apartment complex is already built and people are living looked like pleasantville when we walked by, the people on the bottom floor who have gardens were all having family picnics...and people actually say hi to eachother when you walk by, which is not a normal thing to see in Vienna! It will be nice to have a 2nd bedroom so that visitors can stay with us (hint hint!)...I am really excited because it is a place we can call "ours!" My sis-inlaw also agreed that she feels like she moved in on "his" apartment. I feel the same! I moved in to an already furnished apartment. I decorated it a bit, but Christian picked out everything so I feel like it is still "His" and not totally mine!

I am really blabbing alot tonight...I think because my last blog was a week ago!

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