Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Busy life! I just got completely overwhelmed thinking about everything I have to do in the next 10 weeks! I say 10 weeks because that is when school is out!...yet sometime between now and then I have to pack up our whole apartment along with a million school things to do...I dont even know where to start to pack up our apartment!...I moved with an airplane to Austria and with a stuffed car back and forth to college...but how do I move from one apartment to another??? I think I am more scared to see how much stuff I really do have! For school, I have to plan the talent show, plan mothers day breakfast, write up grade reports and now we have to do a big space project because we won the "signatures in space" contest! pretty cool! out of 500 schools around the world, our little Austrian school won! Next year the astronauts will take up our signatures to space in the shuttle! yeahhh! ahhh so many things to do, I am so overwhelmed!...and yet I have to enjoy this beautiful summer weather now!...especially since I hear it is winter in the states!...


Hannah said...

Sounds like your one busy girl! I'm jealous about the weather! What I would do for some warm weather... It's hard to believe schools are close to being out. Hope your doing well!

Mrs. Ellis said...

Just a little tip Lisa :" It's a cinch by the inch, but it's hard by the yard" Take one day at a time, make God first (even if you have to get up a little earlier) commit your day and jobs to be done to Him, make "lists" and cross off as you finish things( helps you not to get too bogged down mentally)and He will truely bless your efforts with His success!!I'll be praying for you!