Wednesday, April 25, 2007


well I have been known since college times to "bring to life real disasters that you only think about could happen!"...that was during final exam week, when I slipped on ice and busted my eyebrow RA was studying for a final exam and I ended up in the ER with some friends and my RA who all had final exams the next morning! That would just be something an RA would just talk about, but wouldnt really think it would really happen! I created a whole new "issue" at my college that now they have to have a special backup plan for! Only me!

so reminding myself of this incident years once again came up with another "disaster incident" while being a teacher. What would you do if the only teachers in sight were away on a field trip with their class for the day, and you felt sick and had to throw up in the middle of teaching your class? Sorry to bring up too much information, but well that was my life today! I felt kind of wierd all morning and it took every bit of energy to talk and teach today...I canceled some of my plans and had the kids do things they can do on their own so I could sit a little bit. They sensed something was wrong though because they know that I never do SIT DOWN! They read their stories they wrote to the class, blahblahblah and then they got into their reading partners for reading was just then I finally lost it! I ran out of the room to the bathroom!...I came back just a few minutes later and acted as if I never left the room! The kids were so good and had no idea I was gone...Thank God!...but I felt so awful...I just prayed cus I didnt know what else to do...I felt a little better and just took it easy...well what a day not to feel good, cus Wednesdays I have an afterschool program called Homework club till 4:00! I just didnt know how I would do it!...I felt miserable and terrible and somehow I made it! But I am definitely bringing this subject up at the staff meeting on Friday! It is really scary to think about all these kids being alone with a teacher who doesn't feel good! When I told the other teachers today what I went through during the day, they said I will have no problem giving birth because I am tough! well I never thought I was tough, I kind of just do what I have to do no matter what! haha!...I took all kinds of medicine tonight and now I feel much was something I ate last I think I will not be eating fish for a long time!

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