Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tea party!

a true english tea party...especially with alissa's great hat! cute!
Cheree and me!

just look at this beautiful table setting!

I just love my girls at church! I feel so happy when I am with them. They hosted an evening tea was so beautiful. I mean they put so much thought into it and decorated the tables so nicely! Becca is a true party planner!...and the best part is that tomorrow is an Austrian holiday which means NO SCHOOL! yahoo! am I kid or what? I didn't have to worry about leaving early because of work the next morning. It was so beautiful and fun and such good quality time getting to know the girls. I met an awesome girl named Valentina. She is Austrian and is getting married to an American boy. So we have a similar situation in our relationships! anyways, I am so excited for this four day weekend!!! ahhhh!!! I can actually have time go shopping and use my gift certificates from christmas!!! and Cheree and I are going to the bagel and coffee shop for breakfast!...and Christian and I are going with some friends to Bratislava, Slovakia on Saturday just for fun and enjoy everything half the price of Vienna!...and sometime during the weekend we have to start loading these boxes of stuff from our apartment to begin our moving process! yeah!...

1 comment:

kimberly said...

looks like fun!! :D