Tuesday, June 26, 2007

busy weekend!

this past weekend was so exhausting...I was a walking zombie in school on monday morning!....

Friday night was our big talent show at school! so i can breathe again because my big event for the end of the school year is over!!! that was so stressful! but funny!...it was priceless to see 30 kindergarteners in leopard print skirts for a flintstones dance!!!......i will have to post pictures when I get them from the parents...hilarious!...my kids did an egyptian show! it was greatt!!!...then all the teachers went out afterwards like we do after every event...very fun and good bonding time!...we were out late, but good thing it was a friday night!!!

Saturday morning christian and I had to go shopping for some last stuff for our new apartment...but too early in the morning......then we went to the big music festival event called the Donauinselfest (the danube island festival)....its a full weekend event with 20 stages of different music, food...dancing...relaxation.....great time!...we saw one of my favorite austrian bands (she says!)........and the famous Reinhard Fendrich was the ultimate night concert for 2 hoursss!!! and he sang " I am from Austria!!!"...luv that song and especially since Christian and his mom danced to that song at our wedding it was so meaningful...and this is all FREE!!!...in the U.S. this would cost atleast 50 bucks to get in im sure!...well the music went so late...we didnt even realize it but by the time we got to the subway it was 2am and just caught the last subway!...next morning, church...I was half asleep but it was good I had to listen!...It was about what a wife must be in a marriage!...I will buy the cd so I can listen to it with more alert ears!......then Sunday night the girls and I went to the opera to see Romeo and Juliet Ballet!...it was beautiful!!!...fun fun!...we got dressed up and went out on the town!...I was absolutely dead at this point when I came home............
and somehow this week I am surviving my last week of school...
3 days left.......

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