Saturday, June 30, 2007

drive in movie!

our first drive in movie!!!.......very fun but along with it came some didnt work at first...and rude people......just read the story...

Unglaublich!!! I now know why all the women here always show themselves off here as being "tough"...well they have to be to stand up to these horrible austrian men with no manners. I must have gotten a "rare treasure" since Christian is not anything like the rest of the men here! So we went on a date tonight to the Drive-in movie theater!!!...I was so excited cuz I always wanted to go to one. So we got there super early and got a great parking spot...only one problem! our radio wouldn't work for the speaker! we tried and tried and asked other people around to see if they knew how to do it. Finally christian just had to go back to the entrance to ask the maintenance people for help. I told him I didnt want to lose our great spot so I looked like a big idiot but I stood in the spot so nobody would take it...well next minute I know who comes by but mr bigshot in an ugly car who was backing up in MY place!...i said to myself oh okay he is just using the space to turn around to get to the spot next to it...NO!...he was telling me to go away and I kept shaking my head no...I thought I was dreaming or something!...He yelled to me go away in German...Wie bitte??????? Was has tu gesacht? ohhh well let me tell you something!-if there is one thing I have had to learn in Austria it is to stand up for myself!-which I never had to do in my whole life! he was with a girl and I just couldnt believe he treated someone like that...he took some time to get out of the car but i just waited for him and stared at him...then he got out and I just let it all out to him...hmm I have to say when I am mad my german is pretty good...I told him I couldnt believe he was talking to a woman like that and why did he take my place when there was a perfectly good spot right next to me...and I told him some other nice words too which he deserved...and I have to say I am challenged daily to be nice to people here!...its a european thing maybe too that they just dont have the manners that americans do!...okay I also told him that I am so sick of the austrians here with no manners. well im glad he wasnt a "macho" guy, he was actually a wimp because he walked away from me with his girlfriend to the foodstand......i was bubbling with anger at this point.......then christian comes back 1 minute too late...and I run to him and told him what we quickly pulled into a new spot which actually was a better spot anyway...and waited for them to come back....they came back, we got out of our car and confronted them and they ran to their was almost funny you know how people have the guts to say anything they want to you while they are in a car protected by windows-yet when the come to you face to face they are scared!...I am the opposite of a confrontational person, but I am telling you everyday in the city I would just be walked all over if I didnt know how to stand up for myself. Christian is not a "fighter" either...he stands up for me without causing fist fights...he just went over to him and said actually something I respect him for...he didnt cuss him out or anything, he just said to him about how we came from homes that taught us better than that and to have good manners and we have higher standards than to treat other people like and especially a lady. Since his license plates said he was from outside of Vienna, Christian also mentioned that viennese people are raised better than farmers...that is a big insult because that is a constant battle in Austria...The people who live in Vienna make fun of the farmers...and the farmers call the people who live in Vienna snobs...

anyways, ughhh i was so mad i just had to write it before I go to bed tonight...people are just UNGLAUBLICH! UNBELIEVABLE! something about writing out my anger helps me feel better! so don't think I am crazy for what I did...he will get what he deserves one day...

well we saw Shrek3....very cute! but the 2nd one was still my favorite!...a drive in theater is really fun! it was packed full of cars!...the weather was perfect and wow I think that is my new favorite movie theater now! dont have to listen to other people eating loud or just hear whatever is in your own car! I have a picture but I took them on my cell phone and I have to figure out how to load them from the phone to the computer...

okay ahh its late! almost 1am! I have to go to bed!

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