Tuesday, June 26, 2007

scary weather!

Crazy weather! They called for thunderstorms with high winds...we got to about the closest thing I have ever seen to a tornado! In Vienna? now that is wacko!...I was about to leave school when I decided not to because of the black sky, whirling clouds, and winds blowing branches off of trees!...well if I would have left earlier I would have beat the storm...but instead I put myself into the danger!...tree branches were flying everywhere...the wind was blowing left, right, sideways, up down and everywhere!...an umbrella was pointless because it just kept flying up!...my trams were all out of electricity because of trees falling into the road!...I had to walk to the subway, then transfer, then transfer again then I got near to where I live...and that tram line was down too!...a bank roof had flown off and all the debris was in the road...a car was also smashed with a pole in it...I felt like I was in a hurricane! it took me 2 hours to get home!...one man died from falling off of a crane that blew over, another lady died from being hit by a tree...and another one died too...this was a nightmare! all we lost from our apartment was my table cloths that flew somewhere only God knows!...haha...so I guess I have nothing to complain about!

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