Sunday, March 11, 2007

3 hour service!

I just realized that I haven't posted anything since last sunday...

wow! well I have never been in church for 3 hours and not once looked at my watch!...even more shocking is that I can't believe Christian lasted that long! I guess thats how good it was! We had a special revival service today with a special guest speaker...the international service was mixed with the african service!...and they taught us white people how to dance! they played some of their african worship songs and I felt like I was in Africa! was the best worship service ever! haha!...I am just so thankful that God has put this church and these people into our lives now!

I hope everyone has a great week!...ok so how many more weeks until spring break??? 3!!!...hmm that is still too many! We will drive to Germany for part of Spring Break...Christian and I will be visiting my relatives (my grandma's sisters) in Münich and sightseeing around at the Neuschwanstein Castle...I met my relatives there for the first time 3 years ago and I havent been back now they have to meet Christian! It is way overdue and I feel so guilty! It will be so much better now since I can speak so much more German than I could when I first met them! And with Christian, we will definitely not have to use the german/english dictionaries this time! I am so excited to see them again-Hans is the cutest old man in the world!

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