Thursday, March 22, 2007


Hali Hello!!! we had such a fun party last night with my coworkers at school for the newly engaged teachers!...its so much more fun to hang out outside of school in someones apartment and you just see them in a different setting than school school school...and all the boyfriends/husbands came too! we had a blast together and such a mix of Austrians and Americans! but we sure got home late! we got on the last tram and subway for the night!...and we were sprinting running to catch it!...way to go Mimi who just ran in the tracks of the tram so he couldnt go anywhere anyway! :) so then we got home...and I still had to take a shower and dry my hair! I think I got 4 hours of sleep!...the teachers were all a little out of it today and my voice has been hoarse the whole day! :) hehe! Leave it to the kids to tell you to your face that you look "tired"! which also is the same thing as saying "you look terrible!"

I will say it again and again I just love teaching in Austria! I get so much love from the kids here...they just run and hug you as soon as they see you!

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