Tuesday, March 27, 2007

almost Spring Break!

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...3 days! Thank you Lord! and then it is FINALLY spring break! I am such a complainer...I just had a week off school in February and its only March and I'm complaining about wanting another break!

Well we are definitely going to Munich. In fact my Aunt Else (well okay she is my Great Aunt) called me on my cell phone this weekend! it was so funny! I had to speak in German to her and I am still shocked that she understood me! We will drive up and Christian will stay till Tuesday. He has to get back to work, but I am going to stay till Saturday and just go back by train! The last time I was there 3 years ago and Else cooked so much food everyday...too much! I was all alone and had to eat it all!...this time Christian is with me, so he can be the dog and finish what I can't!

I love Vienna but I am excited to go out a bit to another country and feel like I am "AWAY!!!"


Christi said...

how fun!!! i am so jealous of all your little adventures around the world! that is great! :) ENJOY!!!!

Christi said...

ps - YES! I do remember our Lady in Waiting study - that was awesome! OH the memories! ;)