Sunday, March 4, 2007


what a busy week that was...I have finally had a chance this weekend again to catch up...I needed this weekend SO BAD!!! after field trips and a greek party in school last week i am dead! we have to take our class on a field trip once a week. but its so much fun to go out in the city with them. we went to the snowglobe museum and this little place is where the first snowglobe was ever made! the snowglobes in NYC are even made in Austria! there is a special secret they have to make the snow float around longer than the cheap ones from china!...

it was sad this week to say goodbye to my greek boy in class...we made a party for him...his mom came with greek food! yummy! and she taught us how to dance!...

today church was so funny...Pastor Tom was totally on fire with jokes and his message was so practical about what destroys and builds relationships...some marriage jokes and he used three movie clips as examples. I love real life practical examples! it was crazy though because something happened with the child care program today and all of a sudden there were kids all over the church during worship! little baby stayed the whole service with his daddy next to us...he just chilled out on the floor so quiet and played!...he would come over to me and play with my shoes sometimes...i guess he thought they were cool cus they were so pointy!...i felt like a mom haha!...what a cool kid! he smiled so much and he was just so funny!...his dad had to go out of the room and so he asked me if i could watch the lil babe for a few minutes...he just watched his dad walk out of the room and chilled out with me and Christian! i luv this baby! ahh! I mean he just chilled out on the floor and you could listen to the message still without any distractions...Our church is growing so much that we have to get a new building. They are going to start having missions teams come and do construction work for the new church building this spring and summer...

well here we go with another week...i hope it won't be as spring break coming soon??? I need a vacation!!!

1 comment:

Mandi, Sean, Peyton, Dylan and Parker said...

Wow, Lisa! I am in awe of your life...the slideshow is amazing! And if I was going to send my kids to school (we actually plan to homeschool), I think I'd want them to go to school in Austria! How fun to go on a field trip every week!