Wednesday, February 28, 2007

out of my comfort zone...

its amazing what God does as soon as I come back to Him...this is absolutely crazy...I have been here in Vienna for 3 years now as of March 2nd and not once have I really done an outreach to the city for God...honestly, Ive been selfish and have only been living here to please myself. Well tonight I went to cell group-and the whole group mixed with the guys group and they decided we were going to go to the city tonight to pass out sandwiches and pray with people. I almost dropped from my chair and seriously I almost went home because I was just not in the mood. Then I kicked myself and thought about the times in Peru when it was so scary to go up to people and pray with them, but afterwards it was so rewarding...I havent done anything like this in years...there are a lot of alcoholics and drug addics in every city (even in one of the safest cities in the world Vienna!) and it just turned me off because they are we split off into groups of mixed guys and girls and passed out sandwiches. I have to learn more of the "spiritual words" in German-but I tried my best using the rest of the German I can speak...It was the most selfless thing I have done since I have lived in Vienna. Amazing...I tell you something...I came back home tonight a totally different person...I feel like I am finally doing something here for God...but sadly it has taken 3 YEARS! Im thinking back to those days in Peru and the Dominican Republic...oh how fun...those were the days:)

I have been out late everynight this week...along with working long days, parents meetings...and it almost kept me from coming to cell group tonight...but I am so glad I didnt let my exhaustion convince me not to go...tomorrow night I will definitely be inside at home and relaxing:)

Guten Nacht! Tschüss! Danke Gott für alles!


kimberly said...

i think it's so awesome what can happen when we just obey. even if it takes 3 years. :)

Christi said...

that is awesome, Lisa. what a great experience for you and all those involved!

i miss doing those things in peru with you!