Thursday, February 8, 2007

too quick...

ok this week long break is going way too fast! ahh its already Thursday!...but I guess I should be thankful that Austrian schools have so many breaks! We get a whole week off for semester break and everyone hits the ski slopes!...but we are not going skiing. Christian does not get the time off work, so instead I am enjoying my free days doing the things that I've been wanting to get done for months! We will go skiing later this month hopefully...well that is if we ever get some snow! I think Maryland is colder and has more snow than here in Vienna! Last year it snowed everyday of the whole winter I think! Crazy weather...

I just realized that in a few weeks on March 2nd, I will officially have been here for 3 years in Austria! I'm shocked...!!!


kimberly said...

that is crazy!! 3 years?? what does christian do?

Lisa and Christian said...

I know I really am shocked now...when people always told me they had been here for 5, 7, 12 years i was so shocked...but now I know how fast it goes!...umm christian is a forwarding agent-computer logistics for airfreight or whatever its called! haha! something like that! I mean he does get vacation time, but why waste it in February right!? hehe!