Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Please snow come soon!

I really want snowww!!!...I just saw on cnn the weather report for Maryland and the east coast and I am so jealous! Normally everyone here is sick of snow by February...but I think it has snowed 2 days this whole winter! But I don't want it just to get snow days, I want it cus its sooo perddyyyyy and fun!...too bad we dont get any snow days off school and work here-cus everyone here takes public transportation and its too easy to get around! grrr!

I am in such a daze this week...If it weren't for Christian, I think I would never wake up ontime in the morning everyday...then today in the morning on my way to school I missed my station to get out at on the subway because I was in lala land dreamworld! arrghh!...I have two new twin boys in my class now! They are so cute and sweet! and it makes life easier that they can speak such good english! You know what I really love about teaching overseas?...is the fact that the kids and parents are so laid back, trusting and the kids just "love" all over you! while I am reading a story, some of them curl up by my leg or play with my shoes or just give random hugs during the day...hmm I guess thats why I am sick a lot though! its just nice to know that the parents trust you so much here! I was pretty drawn back away from them at first because I was so used to the "rules" like what I had during my student teaching in the U.S...but now I have learned that the people want me to show love and care to their children here and its okay to hug them back. :)

Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow!

Hey and I love Kim's comment about coming to visit me here! Please come! That would be my dream to have the people I love in the place that I love! You are always welcome!...and you will have to come and explore the other places around too! :)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I wanted the snow too but now I've been stuck at home since they haven't plowed our neighborhood and everyone keeps getting stuck. I hope you get some snow and you will have to post pictures of it when it comes. I'm praying you will meet many new lady friends through your new group at church. And we would love to come visit when we do make it over to Europe. It can be tough with little kids but we really wanted to see Italy and Austria looks beautiful too! (and of course I would love to see you and meet this husband of yours!)