Monday, February 19, 2007

baby baby!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha...I know what your thinking as soon as you read that blog title! Wrong! Not me!...I just found out my lifelong friend who I grew up with had her baby 3 weeks early! ahhh I can't believe it!...just after the big snowstorm and right before they were going to have a babyshower in school! Well I think she is crazy anyway for working until almost the due date!...but anyway, the funniest thing is the name she picked...Leslie Ann Spenser...beautiful name but if anyone knew the story behind it they would die...When my friend Kristin and I were little, our families would go every summer to Ocean City maryland...well we always had bad ideas and got ourselves into trouble one way or the other...she was older so I trusted her. We told our parents we were going to walk around the beach a little bit...but she gave me the crazy idea that we should walk all the way to 100th street!...well we didnt know how far it really was and how long it would take for us to get there but we went 2 1/2 hours past and our parents sent out the police and lifeguards looking for us...well they would never have found us anyway since the lifeguards mixed up their signals and named us Leslie and one point I remember hearing those names being yelled-but thought hey thats funny they are looking for two girls and their names are close to ours-but we went on anyway!...well once we reached 100th street there wasnt really anything cool like we thought there would be so we walked back...we ran into Kristin's dad on the way back and oh was he mad!...that story will never be forgotten...they thought we had been kidnapped! Leslie and Karen...the story lives on and is now passed down to the next generation to her baby! haha!...I can't believe it! I think we won't be able to tell that lil girl why her name is really Leslie! ahhh I'm so excited for her and I can't wait to see pictures!

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