Monday, February 12, 2007

and one more thing...

and puts a lot of pressure on Christian, because he is so worried about making sure that I am happy here always. Its so sweet of him-but it makes me feel bad...If I made Christian move to the U.S., I would probably feel the same though because I would always want to make sure he is not homesick and unhappy. My mind has been going in 20 million directions in the past weeks...this is crazy!


kimberly said...

how did you guys decide that europe was the place you'd live and not here?

Lisa and Christian said...

It was a mutual thing I guess!...we honestly didn't really talk about it that much...I kind of just moved here cus I wanted to take a step of courage...I wanted to try living in Europe, but I didn't know for how long! Its a hard choice between living near the friends and people i love or living in a beautiful city and experiencing a new culture:)

Hannah said...

It's great to hear about your life and it looks like a beautiful place. I enjoy reading your blog- keep it up! BTW- we live in Clarksburg,MD which is a few miles north of germantown. If you are ever in the area- we would love to get together. Have a great week:)