Monday, February 12, 2007


Ok I think I am already addicted to this blogger gives me such a comforting feeling just to write out thoughts and feel like somebody in this world is listening! Thank you for writing me comments and you have no idea how good it makes me feel. If there is one big thing I am homesick about its having close friends! For Austrians, english is their second language and sometimes its so exhausting to talk in either "slow and clear english" or in german...its not just like talking to a friend because its hard to explain things has really put a drag on me the past months. I love living in this beautiful european city so full of life...but I need more friends! The problem also with living overseas is that when americans or english speakers do come, they are only here for so long and then they are up and out again! I really hope and pray that this summer when we move into our new apartment building that alot of young couples will be moving in as well...

1 comment:

kimberly said...

i'm glad you're posting! :)