Sunday, February 25, 2007


so jealous of the snow in Maryland! This is the second big storm in 2 weeks! ahhh! Last year I was sick of snow by February...and this year we are craving it! The weather is so crazy here that even the mountains are half green!...can you imagine the Alps green? We were going to go skiing this weekend and we had to cancel our trip because we didn't want to ski on a patch of snow down 2 slopes that are open!...

we went to church today and I actually felt like I knew more than just the same few people we have always known. I saw the girls that I met last week at the cell group...and instead of leaving right after church we rambled on and on like the good old days I used to do!...of course Christian was bored though listening to the girlstalk...hmm I have to find him a good guys group. Maybe the mens cell group...but please pray for that because this kind of church is totally new for the Austrian culture. They grew up with Roman Catholic churches their whole everything is really a big shock for them. He is getting more and more into it and I am proud of him, but there is still more to go! Our church is doing the "40 days of community" study together by Rick Warren. All the cell groups are reading the book too. Our pastor is so awesome! They just let the Lord lead the service everyweek...there is not a strict time limit and sometimes it goes on for 2 1/2 hours! and today the worship leader started singing one of the songs in German! it was so great and really great for Christian to hear it in his own language!

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