Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Power of Prayer:)

Tonight was my first night at the ladies cell brought tears to my eyes just to be with such encouraging people again. They acted as if they had already known me giving me hugs and just so sweet and friendly. I am so thankful for this group and I know this is an answered prayer. I got some phone numbers of some really great girls and we are going to start to go out for some fun...I need this more than anything right now:)

My big brother reminded me a week ago about the power of prayer and how he became a Christian. When I first became a Christian and my brothers were not, I was really shy about it around them...they knew I was becoming involved in a church and youth group, but I never told me anything about it. The only thing I did was pray for them. After years of fullout college partying my brother came to a realization his senior year of college that he has had a lot of fun in college, but what is he going to do next. Thats when he became a Christian at his University campus ministry...he had no idea I was praying for him. I never thought the praying would do much. We had a talk one day that we both will never forget...we were in the basement of my house and he told me he had given his life to Christ...and I told him I had been praying for him. It was the first time in my life I had ever seen my brother have tears running down his face. He was so touched just by the fact that his little sister would pray for him...I never thought it was a big deal and I always felt guilty for not doing more...anyway, this was just on my heart today on my way to work and it reminds me how I need to pray more and remember the power of prayer!...

1 comment:

kimberly said...

lisa - those are both awesome things. :)