Sunday, June 17, 2007

road trip to Hungary!

what do you get when you combine an american with driving a car in europe???...well just a few run red lights, almost hitting a tram (those crazy strassenbahn drivers!), a few illegal u turns and missing a stop sign or two!...we should have just had a sign on our car saying "VORSICHT!!!AUFPASSEN!" danger!!!...well on Saturday 5 of us girls took a road trip!!!...we drove into hungary to a little town called Sopron!...and we went to a spa!!! a day of pampering! what more could I ask for! They spoke german so that made life easier!!!...cuz I couldnt understand a single word of hungarish!!!I got the best pedicure I have ever gotten...and a manicure too!...both were cheaper than the price of 1 manicure in Vienna!...the other girls got their hair done too! color and cut for 35 euros!...I am going back to get my hair done one day!...then we went shopping...everywhere we went the people just starred at us! umm was the driving that bad or was it cuz there were so many girls in 1 car???...the border controllers didnt even look at our passports...we just smiled at him and since our license plate said from Vienna, he let us go without even checking our passports! crazy!...what a day!!!
oh and shopping! wow!...they have an awesome "walmart-like" store called TESCO...we could have died when we saw some american foods! you have no idea how we appreciate things from home until you live away from it all!...we found betty crocker cookie dough mix! I thought I had died and went to heaven! yummo!!! too bad im on a diet now though!...I will save it for later though! You know that I like the cookie dough mixes better than from scratch!...we also found cheerios, mountain dew (random-I dont like it anyway, but its still from home!), oatmeal mixes, hersheys brownie mix and tropicana drinks! im not sure how those products go to Hungary before they came to Austria! Thats not fair!...I have to go to super special market to get american stuff and its double price! I am sure those people in the store had a good laugh about us and will never forget us girls going crazy over the american food stuff!!!...

so today was another great sermon at church about "what a man must be in the marriage"!!! very good!!!...great points!...I want to post some of them...but another time...

afterwards, christian and I went to the "beach" in Vienna! okay we are landlocked, but I have to say that this city provides more entertainment and fun cultural events than any other city in the world!...they turned our favorite winter ice skating place into a beach!!! no joke!...sand, beach chairs, music, beach bars, food and drinks!...beach volleyball, boardwalk! people were in their bathing suits!!! was so hot today!...we sat in the sun and didnt realize how strong the sun could be in Vienna!!!.....ahhh...we sure got some color! whewww!!! Christian has a nice sunglass tan!...normally I dont get burnt so much except for the first summer sun...well today was my first summer sun and I am a little sore and half burnt half tan...

so it was a relaxing weekend and I really needed it!...its sunday night and its time to begin a new week...the time can go as fast as it wants...Im counting the days until school is out and till we are in our new apartment!...our bed is going to sold and picked up on wednesday, our sofa goes in 2 weeks, and our big rug is going our bedroom will be full of boxes...and our sofa will be our bed for a few weeks...good thing its a pull out bed or christian and i would have some feet fights over space!!! hahaha!

I am beat from the sun!!! I will post some pictures another day of the trip to hungary!


Unknown said...

I remember going to TESCO when we got married in Prague. That place was a lifesaver!
I totally know what you mean about getting excited over American things when you're in Europe. Your posts bring back so many memories. :)
My German friends' favorite things when they come to the States are Mountain Dew and Cheetos - can't get 'em in Germany.

And then when you come back to the States - it's funny how many European things you miss.

Ich vermisse die Weißwürste
mit 'Brezn' und süßem Senf, Kaesespaetzle, Schokolade, Wienerschnitzel mit Pommes, die Bäckerei und das Bier.

Lisa and Christian said...

Kelley-yummooo...that is definitely great food, LECKER LECKER...meine lieblingst essen! but I cant eat it too often or none of my clothes will fit me anymore!!! guys are always welcome to come visit and stay with us! :)